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We are a business that understands the importance of giving back to the community. With that in mind, we would like to inform you of the different ways we give back to the community and how you can also help us help others.

 A clean environment promotes to health as we all know, but the Kick team would like to address those who do not have it in their scope of capabilities to maintain a healthy environment. There are situations years past due for a deep clean, and now their space is in despair. This can take a great mental toll so if you know someone in this situation, please collect all of the details you can, pics and videos would be much appreciated too, and send them to us. That way we can put them into the community charity raffle where they could receive, a free emergency heavy clean if they do not win the particular raffle their names will remain in the drawing time after time until they do. We do this because we are the keepers of our brothers and sisters, because we care, because we want our afflicted brothers and sisters to know they are not alone neither abandoned, and this journey. That is us fulfilling our community deed of Goodwill, help us spread the love. #CommunityCharityProgram

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